
Welcome to the I-BEST for Faculty Blog! This blog will serve as a way for faculty teaching in an I-BEST program to access helpful team-teaching, classroom management, assessment, and student-centered instructional strategies.

I will be posting information related to teaching in an I-BEST program on a regular basis. Become a follower of the site!

Team Teaching

"I will build on what you project to the the class and you'll build on what I project; and where you fall flat I'll pick it up or where I fall flat you wil pick it up; and when I don't have the example for that student's question, you come back with the example for that students's question. If you catch that a student needed a visual to understand that auditory output, then you pick it up- cue me in, cue me in if that's what is happening there. And the next time we had class, it was powerful."
 --Jessica, Team Teacher

Resources on this page:
- Team Teaching Resource Articles
- Team Teaching Videos
- Lesson Planning
- I-BEST Team Teaching Modules from the Green River Center for Excellence

Team Teaching Articles
The International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education produced produced this research on collaborative teaching. Check out the 5 Top Themes in Findings and Discussions of the research: 1) You Can't Just Shoot From the Hip; 2) Following and Leading.....All of Us Together; 3) If We Walk Away Disagreeing , Is It Okay?; 4) The Presence of Another Pushed Us to Go Deeper; 5) You Build Something Bigger

Some of the amazing faculty at Seattle Central Community College agreed to let us film their team-taught I-BEST classrooms. You can see our Team Teaching Videos on Teachertube and Youtube:

A Child Development Associate I-BEST team-teaching classroom. *All of the students in this class are I-BEST students.

2nd half of the class

A team-taught Information Technology I-BEST class.


Things to look for:
Lesson Planning
Team Teaching Modules
1) Collaboration: http://media.waol.org/15057/mod1_collaboration.pdf
2) Curriculum: http://media.waol.org/15057/mod2_curriculum.pdf
3) Teaching Styles: http://media.waol.org/15057/mod3_teachingstyles.pdf

Ten Questions to Ask as you Design Lessons
1. What should students know and be able to do with what they know as a result of this lesson? How are these objectives related to national or state skills standards?

2. How will students demonstrate what they know and what they can do? What multiple forms of assessment, including self assessment can I use? What will the assessment criteria be and what form will it take?

3. How will I find out what the students already know (pre-assessment), and how will I help them access what they know and have experienced both inside and outside the classroom? How will I help them not only build on prior experiences, but also deal with misconceptions and reframe their thinking when appropriate?

4. How will new knowledge, concepts, or skills be introduced? Given the diversity of my students and my task analysis, what are my best options for presentation modes for new material?

5. How will I facilitate student processing (meaning making) of new information or processes? What are the key questions, activities and assignments (in class or homework)?

6. How will I check for student understanding during the lesson?

7. What do I need to do to differentiate instruction so that learning experiences are productive for all students?

8. How will I introduce the learning so that the students will know the objectives, the rationale for the objectives and activities, the directions and procedures, as well as the assessment criteria at the beginning of the learning process?

9. How will I build in opportunities for students to make real world connections and learn to use and use varied and complex thinking skills?

10. What adjustments need to be made in the learning environment and in instruction so that students can work and learn efficiently? How is data being used to make these decisions.

*Adapted from askeducation.com
Instructional Improvement--Renton Technical College instructimprove@rtc.ctc.edu

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a curriculum design approach intended to lower the barriers that traditionally limit access to information and learning for many students. Imagine that students who have always been left behind finally have the opportunity to learn—and to love learning. UDL principles help educators customize their teaching for individual differences in each of the three brain networks (recognition, strategic, affective). A universally-designed curriculum offers the following:
- Multiple means of representation to give learners various ways of acquiring information and knowledge
- Multiple means of action and expression to provide learners alternatives for demonstrating what they know,
- Multiple means of engagement to tap into learners' interests, challenge them appropriately, and motivate them to learn.
- Flexible digital media makes it easier than ever to provide these multiple alternatives and therefore customize teaching and learning.
* Sample Lesson Plans for UDL
UDL Lesson Builder: http://lessonbuilder.cast.org/learn.php


Index: http://media.waol.org/15057/index.pdf

Welcome: http://media.waol.org/15057/welcome.pdf

Introduction: http://media.waol.org/15057/introduction.pdf

Collaboration: http://media.waol.org/15057/mod1_collaboration.pdf

Curriculum: http://media.waol.org/15057/mod2_curriculum.pdf

Teaching Styles: http://media.waol.org/15057/mod3_teachingstyles.pdf

ESL Instruction: http://media.waol.org/15057/mod4_eslinstruction.pdf




