
Welcome to the I-BEST for Faculty Blog! This blog will serve as a way for faculty teaching in an I-BEST program to access helpful team-teaching, classroom management, assessment, and student-centered instructional strategies.

I will be posting information related to teaching in an I-BEST program on a regular basis. Become a follower of the site!

Sharing Best Practices

This page is for advice/ good practices from other instructors. Please send me any ideas you'd like to add!

Here's some advice from an ESL instructor for working with English as a Second Language learners:

* Be concrete in your expectations. Students will take what you say literally since they haven’t learned many of the language and cultural cues. Explain cues.
* Be clear with objectives and expectations. I-BEST students will treat it as it is written down on paper.
* Provide clarity when classroom expectations change/ students hear different messages.
* If you have reading scheduled, then follow-up with it in class or explain how it is related to what is going on in the next class session.
* Be aware when students are not tracking what’s been said and repeat it.
* Understand the difference between assessment vs. busy work